BEING ANTI-RACISM isn't just about posting/talking/engaging when and where it's "comfortable". I always think about my business, local, and familial connections and not engaging for certain reasons on FB. But that's just my privilege, and inherent ease my skin color and gender has made in my life.
I know changing the minds of people who don't acknowledge their racism isn't going to happen on social media, but I know I can attempt to share INFORMATION and call out and clean house on anyone who is racist instead of letting them have space in my online presence to spout their ignorant or racist opinions. "FREE SPEECH" can happen on your own fucking timeline, "bud".
You weren't born racist, you were raised in a society that allowed your skin color to make your life easier, and the concerns and stressed and inequality of black, indigenous, asian, latino, and anyone else who doesn't present white be LESSER TO YOU BECAUSE IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU DIRECTLY. "THAT LIFE IS HARD ENOUGH FOR ME, RACE DOESN'T INVOLVE ME".
Liberals are racists, conservatives are racists. Your ancestors were racist, and just like the recipes we were handed down, generation to generation, we white people are taught racism.
Our Government was built to serve and protect people who look a certain way, present a certain way, and make a certain amount of money. THAT'S THE WAY IT IS. THAT'S NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE.
I KNOW my internet presence isn't going to change the way society works, but it makes my community work better as a space where true equality is something we strive for. Specifically asking my white friends and family to look at what makes your life easier than someone else's. And in turn actively working towards something better.
It's about looking at YOUR RACIST thoughts, feelings, reactions, and dismantling them, calling out the racists in your life and providing information for them to do the work at dismantling your own racism. IF YOU ARE DISGRUNTLED AT ME FOR POSTING THIS OR HAVE AN "ARGUMENT" WITH IT, YOU ARE RACIST.
I'm not discrediting anyone's difficulties in life. ESPECIALLY NOW.
I'm saying YOUR SKIN COLOR DIDN'T MAKE YOUR DIFFICULTIES WORSE. This isn't about all lives. This isn't excusing "NOT ALL".
Please watch this: (
This is about any life that isn't white and why we've allowed and excused the extreme trauma and abuse that POC have to carry around, and confront constantly on top of the day to day struggles we all have as humans.
Share information. Please take a minute to read these posts I share, and maybe further investigate the racism that you have been conditioned in, and that most of us have THRIVED in, and how absolutely FUCKED that is.
Resources are aplenty, but Rachel Cargle is one with information abounding... starting here and compensating your educators is key: